T-12, r. 4 - Regulation respecting the brokerage of bulk trucking services

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Aj D. 293-92, a. 8
The territory is bounded as follows: starting from a point situated at the apex of the west angle of Canton de Dupont, thence successively the following lines and demarcations: part of the southwestern line of the said township to the boundary between the drainage basins of Ruisseau Pijart, Lac Pijart and Lac Thiboutot on the one side, Lac Bourassa and Rivière Lenoir on the other side; in a general southwesterly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Thiboutot, Lac Fontrouve, Lac Maurais, Lac Lecanteur and Lac Cordeau on one side, Lac Bourasseau, Rivière Lenoir and Lac Lenoir on the other side; in a general southerly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Gellebert, Lac Laverdière and Lac Tobie on the one side, Lac Dumbo on the other side; in a general southerly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Raimbault, Lac Greslon and Lac Greslon Rond, the effluent of Lac Greslon and Lac Jugy, Lac Protégé, Lac du Nord, Lac Jurlain and Lac Mosquic on the one side, Lac Verneuil, Lac Petit Surget, Lac Surget, Lac Lagorce, Lac Côté, Lac Parement, Lac Chavoy, Lac Augeron, Lac Ninville, Lac Larcher, Lac Dirinon and Lac Froid on the other side; in a general southerly direction, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Gadiou and Lac Mosquic on the one side, Lac Froid, Lac Moranger, Lac Vallet and Lac Saget on the other side; in general southerly and easterly directions, the boundary between the drainage basins of Lac Mosquic, Lac Santé, lac Comox, Lac Petit Comox, Lac Acon and Lac Mosquic on the one side, Lac Saget, lac Cinq Doigts, Lac Colombon, Lac Jamet, Lac Therrien, Lac Laclède, Lac Alexandre, Lac Bouloc and Lac Gillette on the other side, that is to the southwestern line of Canton de Legendre; part of the southwestern line of the said township and the northwestern line of Canton de Cousineau; part of the southwestern line of Canton de Nantel to lot 2 of Quatrième rang; the southern boundary of the said range to the dividing line between lots 23 and 24; the said dividing line between the Fourth, Third, Second and First ranges of Canton de Nantel and the Ninth and Eighth ranges of Canton de Lynch; the dividing line between the Seventh and Eighth ranges of the township of Lynch to the southwestern line of Canton de Viel; northerly, part of the southwestern line of the said township, the southwestern line of Canton de Castelneau, the northwestern line of the townships of Castelneau, French and Lenoir to the starting point.
O.C. 1483-99, Sch. XIII.